How to Use Packing Cubes to Organize Your Home (2023)
Posted by Dianne Chen on
Taking this time to declutter and organize your home? Travel might be on hold for now, but that doesn't mean that you can't get some good use out of those awesome travel cubes. Yup, these babies aren't just for suitcase organization. Try these home organization ideas using EzPacking cubes and you'll be amazed!
Different Ways to Organize Your Home Using Packing Cubes
Love using packing cubes for travel organization? Good news, there are lots of ways to use packing cubes aside from organizing your suitcase. Keep reading to find out how!
1) Craft Room Organization
If your craft room is so disorganized that it looks like someone put a hex on it, then it's time to undo the curse of the clutter with an EzPacking Starter Set.
A Medium Cube is large enough to hold all of your crochet and knitting items, from yarns, needles, hooks and even that unfinished ugly sweater you're hoping to finish before next Christmas.
While for smaller and more delicate items such as lace, ribbons, and appliques, you can separate them using Extra Small Cubes.
Want to learn more? Check out this blog post on how Tamara organized her craft supplies using EzPacking cubes.
2) Playroom Organization
To de-clutter the playroom and instill de-cluttering habits in your tots, make cleaning fun for the kids by turning cleaning into a game! Use packing cubes as smart storage solutions for toys and other knick knacks.
Categorize each packing cube and ask them to match the toys to the corresponding packing cube. You can use photo stickers for younger kids and words for toddlers learning how to read.
Or if you have more than two kids, turn the game into a race of who can fill up a Large Cube the fastest. Make sure to give them a prize for their great work.
Want to learn more? Click here to learn how to use packing cubes to organize a kid's toy room.
3) EzP Cribs: Baby Edition
Remember that show where celebrities gave us a mere mortal tour of their multi-million dollar mansions? Well, you too can show off your baby's crib, MTV Cribs style with these organizing hacks using clear packing cubes.
✅ Keep your baby station organized with a good mix of different-sized packing cubes. The clear design of the Large Cube lets you know at a glance if you're stock is already running low, which makes it great as a diaper storage unit.
✅ Place all your little one's bath necessities along with their fave bath toys in a Small Cube and use it as a portable shower caddy.
✅ After sorting toys and books using Medium Cubes, keep them off the floor by hanging them in the most underutilized space in the room - the doorknob.
4) Off-Season Storage Part 1
Using clear packing cubes to create seasonal capsule wardrobes is a great first step towards de-cluttering your closet.
✅ Following KonMari's advice, take everything out of your closet, so you can see everything you have.
✅ Once you get over the initial shock of just how much stuff you've accumulated, ruthlessly sort them in keep, donate, and throwaway piles.
✅ Next, create your seasonal capsule wardrobe by grouping your clothes by season. Keep editing until you only have your must-keep pieces per season left.
✅ Take all your off-season clothes, pack them in clear storage cubes, and store them under your bed (or in the storage closet) until their time in your main closet comes around.
5) Off-Season Storage Part 2
Get more valuable real estate out of your storage closet by using clear packing cubes to pack all your Christmas and Halloween decor instead of using space-hogging cardboard boxes.
Another option is to stick a couple of heavy-duty Command hooks inside your closet door or wall, and hang the packing cubes by their handles.
This will not only save you valuable closet real estate, but also keeps your precious decor safe from getting accidentally torn or broken.
6) Accessories N’ Things
It's always a chore to organize the knick knacks - but not when you’re using clear packing cubes. This is especially clever when you're looking for storage for small spaces as well.
✅ Clutches. Keep your clutches dust-free by storing them in either Medium or Large Packing Cubes. Use S-hooks to hang them in your closet.
✅ Hair products & Accessories. Use Extra Small Cubes to store your hair ties, headbands, head scarves, brushes, and hair products separately. Always keep your vanity clear by storing them inside your drawer, upright and handle up for easy access.
✅ Belts. Roll them and store them in a packing cube.
✅ Makeup. Pack all your daily go-tos in one cube.
7) Drawer Organizer
Don't want to spend a lot for fancy schmancy drawer organizers? We got you! Our clear packing cubes, with all their different sizes and colors, are the perfect solution.
✅ Keep your undies and socks organized in Small Cubes. Also ideal for keeping your stash of swimwear neat and easy to access.
✅ Shirts and dresses can go in our Medium Cube. If you love working out, you can also store your go to leggings and tank tops here.
✅ Any other large and bulky clothing items can go in a Large Cube. Like your pants, sweaters, jackets, etc.
Pro Tip: Want to organize your drawer like a pro? For perfectly folded shirts, use our Folding Boards. They work great if you love the KonMari way of folding stuff. ;)
8) Doggie's Cube
Use a Small Cube to carry all the things your dog needs when going out for a walk, like their favorite treats and toys, water, collapsible water bowl, and poop bag. Just hang it in on the coat rack for storage and easy access for your next walk.
Pro Tip: Use a small carabiner to secure the cube to your backpack, so you have full use of both of your hands while walking the dog.
9) Linen Closet Organization
Struggling to keep your linen closet organized? These clear packing cubes will make organizing super easy. Use a few Extra Small Cubes for your small items like quarters, extra toiletries, etc. Then store your small towels, pillow covers, etc. in a few Small Cubes. The clear design means you don't need to rummage through your linen closet for the things you'll need!
10) Car Emergency Kit
Keeping cubes in your car’s trunk will ensure that you're prepared for any just-in-case situation (you get snowed in, you can’t find a hotel, your car breaks down, etc.) while on the road. Here's a quick list of what to pack:
✅ Change of Clothes - If you have kids, pack some for them as well.
✅ Travel-Sized Toiletries - Use an Extra Small Cube to keep them organized.
✅ Extra Pair of Shoes - For when you break a heel or just need a break from wearing them all day long.
✅ First Aid Kit - If you have allergies or asthma, include your medication in your kit as well.
✅ Water and Food - Make sure to check the expiration dates on those granola bars.
✅ Tech Kit - Extra battery, earphones, charger, flashlight.
EzPacking cubes aren't just for luggage organization. These versatile tools can also double as unique storage solutions for your home! If you have any other home organizing and decluttering ideas using EzPacking, make sure to share them with us.
P.S. Want to learn more about packing cubes? Click here for our Packing Cubes Review 101: All You Need to Know and More.